These maps show the locations of the speakers of Elosio-Meelian languages before and after the "Great Migrations". These migrations took place at various times over a thousand year period. These maps do not attempt to show the order or the rate at which the proceeded.
It was long thought that these movements of peoples took place as the Elosian Empire grew, and various non-Elosian peoples spread out and diplaced their neighbors just as the Elosians were displacing them.
It is now known that although such actually was the case with the Tijils and the Vians, most of the other movements took place before the areas in question were conquered by the Elosians, and should be attributed to the native expansionist tendencies of the peoples themselves. For example, the Mayols and Maaldobs had already spread south across the sea before the Aksurst invaded their original homeland, which in turn happened long before the Elosians conquered the Aksurst.
Note that the divisions shown on these map are mostly linguistic in nature. They are neither "racial" or political. To use the same example, the areas occupied by the Aksurst after the migrations still contained many people of Mayol and Maaldob descent, but Aksurst was now the dominant language. Meanwhile, the Aksurst language continued to be spoken within the Elosian Empire.
As always, these maps are very sketchy and not to be taken too literally.
Approximate Earth Year: 500 B.C.
Approximate Earth Year: 500 A.D.